What’s New in Museums
Capital Campaign Fundamentals
Founders find themselves learning and leading all aspects of starting up a children’s museum, but the one responsibility that sits heaviest on the founder’s shoulders is fundraising. There’s no escaping that money must be raised, and a lot of it.
Making Your Visitor Your #1 Priority
Ultimately a new children’s museum will be judged by what its visitors experience, what they perceive, and what they share with others. Community-wide assessment of a new children’s museum’s success comes out of the perceptions of those who visit and even those who hear about it secondhand.
Intentional Founding Board Recruitment
“What can I do to make our board of directors more effective?” This persistent question will likely stay with a children’s museum through all stages of its lifecycle because it’s difficult for any mission-driven organization to be its “best self” unless its board of directors has what it takes to lead the way. It’s a big job.